The Big Black Book
D I R E C T O R Y - A

Founded in 2017, The Black Business Connector, formerly named The Big Black Book NYC, is a network of small business owners serving their communities & beyond with high quality products & services.
185 businesses listed in 32 business categories
How The Black Business Connector
helps meet entrepreneurs’ needs:
Provides small business owners with updated,
friendly to your wallet, professional headshots
​Promotes black owned, brown owned & women owned
small businesses on a professional platform
among other credible business owners
Is socially powerful; offers a space for professional
connections & ideas between entrepreneurs to be
formed, exchanged & cultivated
Ongoing business tips support entrepreneurs
in our Private Facebook Group
Online and in person business & networking workshops
No annual or monthly fees
to be listed on our website or IG platform
The Black Business Connector
was founded by professional photographer
Beth Brown
under the umbrella of her business
Babs Photography LLC,.
TBBC's launch event was held in August of 2017.
TBBC provides entrepreneurs who attend their directory building events with an affordable professional headshot.
TBBC is committed to eradicating racial
stereotypes and their adverse economic effects
on communities of color.
To be listed in TBBC directory, entrepreneurs must attend
an in person headshot & directory building event.
These events position small business owners for greater success by connecting them with one another so they can expand their professional relationships.
TBBC uses Instagram in an organized,
visual rolodex format like no other media platform does
for the purpose of promoting black owned,
brown owned & women owned small businesses.
Thank you so much!
I've met other amazing
business owners through your page.
Thanks for this platform.
A Princess Like Me NYC
Beth Brown is one of my wondawoman queens
full of positivity on a mission to
help small businesses flourish.
She is a Photographer & the creator of
Black Book which gives businesses an opportunity
to promote, support, learn and connect with one another. Beth saw a problem and delivered a solution
and I'm here to support it all. After meeting at a networking event we have embarked on a positive journey
that will help uplift and empower people
from all walks of life.
Thank you Beth, much more success to come....
Karen Yelverton,
Poet, Public Speaker, Educator, Transitional Coach
The BBB took my head shot at the
Write, Rhyme and Repeat event in June 2019 in Hempstead.
Beth and her staff are professional and
great at taking pictures. Even afterwards, BBB continues to reach out to me and other members of The BBB to help us promote our businesses, whether it is posting a promo on social media, review, or surveying us to see what our needs are as business owners.
Anyone who has a business in the NYC area should be part of The Big Black Book of New York City. BBB is amazing!
Trace Wilkins Francis,
Authorpreneur & Owner of Annie Jean Publishing, Inc.
“Last night was AMAZING. I’m reaching out to Oriel and PK today. The information was just for me to hear.
I’m glad I finally attended this meeting of
business minds who are full of knowledge.”
Vanetta Anderson-Harris,
Hands of Touch